2025 Schedule of Training​​

Tuition cost: Unless otherwise noted, 1 day courses are $200 and 2 day courses are $400 per student if paying by check/MO/PO. Credit card tuition payments are 3% additional.

2.15        Tactical First Aid - TECC    Bremerton

2.19        Tactical First Aid - TECC    Lacey

3.22        Pistol Fundamentals          Darrington   

3.27        Tactical First Aid - TECC    Darrington     

4.19-20   Carbine 1                            Darrington

4.26         Intermediate Pistol          Whidbey Island

5.10         Intermediate Carbine       Whidbey Island

5.17-18   Pistol 1                               Darrington

6.7           Carbine Fundamentals     Whidbey Island

6.14-15   Red Dot Pistol                    Darrington

7.12-13  Fighting Around Vehicles   Darrington


                        More to come shortly.....  



​​​Online Registration Form

1. Choose the course you would like to attend and enter your info in the box on the right and hit submit.

​2. If you choose to pay by check/money order, you will receive a registration form with the address to mail payment.

​3. If you choose to pay by credit card, you will receive an invoice from Paypal with a clickable link to make payment.

4. If paying with a department purchase order, you'll be contacted with additional information.

5. You will receive an email confirmation once your registration is received. Registration is not complete until payment is received.

​6. Unless otherwise noted, 1 day courses are $200 and 2 day courses are $400 per student if paying by check/MO/PO. Credit card tuition payments are 3% additional.

7. Remember to put any discount codes or referral names in bottom text box.