Pistol Fundamentals - 

Basic pistol course focusing on the fundamentals of using a handgun for defense. Students will learn safety, drawing from a holster, weapons manipulations to include loading and unloading, reloads and malfunction clearances, and fundamentals of marksmanship. Students will leave with a plan for self improvement. Ammo requirement is 300 rounds.

Intermediate Pistol - 

The intermediate level pistol course covers the content learned in Pistol Fundamentals with a focus on increasing accuracy and efficiency. Topics covered include: drawing from concealment, multiple target engagement, shooting on the move, single handed shooting and manipulations, barricade shooting and use of cover. Ammo requirement is 300-500 rounds.

Red Dot Pistol - 

Red dot sighting systems on a handgun provide the user with several benefits but can also be frustrating to master. This course is geared towards helping the shooter accelerate through the learning curve and become confident and competent with this technology. Course content will include optic set-up and options; zeroing procedures; draw stroke, presentation and rapid sight picture acquisition, building speed and accuracy, as well as troubleshooting and maintenance. Loaner systems are available (limited) and students will be able to try various optics. Red Dot Pistol is offered in both 1 and 2 day formats. Ammo requirement is 300 rounds per day.

Fighting Under Duress - 

FUD is a range based/wounded shooter type course heavy on single handed engagement techniques and manipulations (draw stroke, reloads, and malfunction clearances). Students will initially cover emergency trauma care (self aid) and then work pistol, rifle, and medical skills from a disadvantaged position through out the course. Ammunition requirement is 300 pistol, 100 rifle. Student will access medical components from concealment or duty gear. This is not a beginner's course, proof of previous firearms training required on registration.

Carbine Fundamentals - 

Entry level carbine course geared towards new and intermediate level shooters. Students will learn safety, rifle and gear setup, zeroing, basic rifle marksmanship, reloads, malfunction clearances, standard and non standard shooting positions. Ammo requirement is 300 rounds.

Intermediate Carbine -

Fast paced intermediate level shooting course that includes:
Standard/unconventional shooting positions
Reloading and malfunction clearances
Transitions to secondary weapon
Close quarters shooting and multiple target engagements
Use of cover/barricade shooting
Bilateral shooting
Shooting on the move 

Ammo requirement is 300-500 rounds.

Carbine 1 - 

This is generally a 2 day/1 night carbine class with a lowlight portion (when allowed by the host range). The course will cover: basic rifle marksmanship, reloads, malfunction clearances, standard and non standard shooting positions, use of cover and barricade shooting, working with a partner, shooting on the move, and techniques for fighting in periods of darkness. Ammo requirement is 600 rounds rifle/100 pistol.

Night Vision Fundamentals - 

This intermediate level course will cover techniques and procedures for engaging targets in low and no light environments. Course content will include set-up and operation of helmet worn night vision devices, laser aiming device zeroing procedures, carbine and pistol target engagement, integration of white light. Students need to have previous verifiable pistol and rifle training. Limited loaner gear available.This course is offered in 1 and 2 night versions. Ammunition requirement is 300 carbine, 100 pistol for the 1 night version and 600/100 for 2 night version.

Fighting Around Vehicles - 

This 2 day intermediate skill level course designed to expose the shooter to the realities of fighting in and around vehicles. The course has a handgun focus but also includes work with a carbine. Students will learn barricade and positional shooting, malfunction clearances, injured shooter manipulations, ingress and egress from a vehicle, communication and working with a partner, as well as an informal ballistics lab. There may be a lowlight portion range dependent. Round count is 750 pistol, 300 rifle. This is not a course for new shooters and documentation of previous training is required.

Tactical First Aid - Intro to Tactical Emergency Casualty Care

This 8 hour course will focus on the fundamentals of emergency medical care during the initial aftermath of a violent event. Students will learn the basics of bleeding control, basic airway management, treating injuries of the head, torso, and extremities, shock prevention, and moving injured people in accordance with TCCC/TECC guidelines. Skills taught will include tourniquet use, wound packing, and pressure dressings and students will be shown options for assembling their own kits. All equipment for class will be provided.

Fire Service Response to Violence/Active Shooter Response

This 8 hour course will introduce firefighters and EMS personnel to working with law enforcement at scenes of violence. Beginning with a block of instruction on appropriate life saving interventions (in accordance with C-TECC guidelines), students will learn force protection considerations, necessary personal protective equipment options, warm zone rescue gear set-ups, and deployment into a warm zone under protection of a law enforcement escort team. The course follows NFPA 3000 (Standard for an Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response) guidelines. A 2nd day version with multiple scenarios is available also.

Fire Service Vehicle Extrication and Rescue

Various course lengths (1-3 days) are available covering Awareness, Operation, and Technician level extrication and rescue skills. Students will learn scene size-up and management, access/disentanglement/extrication using hand-powered, hydraulic, and alternative powered rescue tools. Contact us for further info, we will be adding more details to this area in the future.

We offer courses geared to shooters of all levels: beginner, intermediate, advanced